
In conjunction with Hola, we have launched a BETA version of Live League Sports Application.

Live League App is a leading-edge digital administrative management application designed for sports associations, leagues, clubs, referees and players. Live League App enables users to digitally operate the macro-business management of various types of sports leagues; but also, the micro-business management at the club, player and game level.
Live League App can help with league organizational structures, player and game statistical data management, but also steer tournament events to ensure fair and equal play. Of course, Live League App can also operate as an official game management tool: from verifying players on teams to tracking goals, fouls, and substitutions.
On a local level, Live League App allows fans to become more involved with their teams through digital access to updated player bios, including access to tickets, special events and even team merchandise. And, with each game streamed live, Live League App encourages user participation, which in itself promotes and builds the prosperity of each league and team though the monetization of the sport.
Live League App has been designed to cover every aspect of the business management of any sports league, from building a league to discovering a player’s life story. And, as such, through digital administrative control, each user can maximize their league efficiency and thus grow not only their sport, but also their respective financial performance.
As you can imagine, Live League App is already in full development of the next phase of our exciting sports-focused proprietary technology. Currently, Live League App (LLA) offers an integrated spectrum of digital sports administrative management technology, allowing users to not only organise and run their sports business, but keep complete track of leagues, teams, players – including on and off the pitch – and all sports events. But, more than that, LLA operates as a ‘game management tool’, keeping an ‘official’ record of all live games, while at the same time ensuring our related data channels and affiliations have ‘up-to-the-minute’ statistical information.
This next phase can certainly be considered ‘next level’ technology. Within this next year, LLA will add to our current platform the following seriously exciting user options:
Entire Game Total Player Tracking – that’s right, every movement of every play will be tracked for statistical and performance analysis. If your player is having a good or bad day you will know. If your son or daughter scored a blistering goal, you will be the first one with that information. Every move, every run, every attempt will be live and recorded for our users to access.
Play by Play Statistics – sure, if one team has more ball time than another that team needs to change their strategy. Seeing is one thing, but numbers tell the real story. LLA’s fingertip stats can only enhance a teams performance.
Unique Single Player Analysis – of course, sports is a team game – mostly, but single players can make a difference. Bring a player on at the right time, or removing one can change the course of a game. That’s invaluable information that can change the course of events for your team.
Ball Tracking and Better Play Query – it’s true, the position of a player in relation to the ball can inform the strategy: does everyone know the plan? Training a team to allow space, to move methodically, to be in there right place to generate the intended outcome is a critical component of any game. All that starts with a players knowledge of movement, where they should be at all times.
Player Progress Report – Ideal for player development analysis. With all player details updated in real time, any user can not only keep close attention to their players, but ‘out-of-town’ coaches and agents can also monitor the progress of potential future transfers. LLA helps you save on travel expenses.
Direct Live Stream to HSQ (Hola Streaming NetworQ) – Right now LLA streams directly from the playing field to HSQ. With this latest technology, HSQ users will witness new crisper, more detailed viewing with all games Live Streamed and recorded in HD 4K digital sports videography. Never miss the close-up action again. Learn More