The Despaxo platform is almost ready. For those that don’t know, it’s a multi-targeted business and user chatbot sales and menu application. For example, one registered business can select a package, build an automated menu bot and launch to generate customers across the ‘App-mosphere’, that’s Hola Speak for being able to access other App platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram and others. Ok, imagine you are a restaurant selling chicken wings. You’ll be able to get orders via your WhatsApp account on the Despaxo platform – Cool, right? Manage all your stuff all in one place. Well Despaxo goes way beyond that. Even delivery drivers can get a piece of this action and moreover they get to keep their fees without having to give them up to us. You know, the opposite of other delivery services that gouge drivers!

Of course, you don’t have to be a Restaurant, you can be a pharmacy company delivering prescriptions and other items, or an office supply store delivering paper etc. And, as you can imagine that is not all: The Despaxo platform is available at a fraction of the price of these other Bot based ordering and delivery systems. Starting at $199 dollars it cannot be beaten. Check it out, you save money if you are a business and you save money if you are a user. If you happen to be a driver we welcome you to our team.

Pre-Registration is now open in Latin America. Get Registered and we will contact you once the market is open. You can also earn with Business recruitment – refer a restaurant / business. Despaxo pays more than any other delivery service in Latin America.