Now that you have bridged WhatsApp with Hola, understanding multi-sync functionality can help you get the most out of ‘Hola – WhatsApp – Bridge’.

Hola sync operates on WhatsApp’s ‘open Api’ (Application Programming Interface). This open Api allows us to sync Hola users to WhatsApp users and thus deliver messages to one location. You are still connected to WhatsApp, but also to Hola. You can now send all your messages to multiple places, be better organized and gain many advanced features.

Now, we are talking about WhatsApp’s open API so this means once you are ‘synced’ you can only start new chats when your WhatsApp contact starts chatting with you first.

For this to happen, you will receive a one-on-one invite from each of your contacts in the form of a new message which will allow permission to bridge to Hola. Once the message is accepted by you, you can start chatting, Yeah!

We recommend sending all your contacts a first new message – something like “ Hey, I’m now using ‘Hola’ to send and receive all my chats. Check it out! All chats in one location – Once they respond and you accept the invite, all your contacts will be bridged. Now, that’s cool!

Here are some FAQ’s:

Q. What is an API?
A. API stands for Application Programming Interface. In the context of APIs, the word Application refers to any software with a distinct function. For example, if you are sending a message or checking your GPS coordinates you are using an API.

Q. Can I turn off my push notifications on WhatsApp and still get notified on Hola?
A. Absolutely. We give you push notifications for all messages received in Hola Bridge.

Q. Why when I text on WhatApp do my messages not show on Hola?
A. If you use WhatsApp to send and Hola to review incoming messages you will not see the sent messages due to the way the API works. For best results it is best to send via Hola and review via Hola. This will offer the broadest and best use of the Hola platform.

Q. I deleted an invite, How do I get a new invite?
A. If you deny an invite it is final – sure, you are blocking someone you don’t want to communicate with. Now, if you are just not sure then you can accept the invite and delete the chat at your leisure. If you really did make that mistake, then you can chat directly through Hola without WhatsApp.

Q. I use gifs and emojis a lot on WhatsApp and cannot understand how to find them on Hola?
A. Our User Interface is slightly different than others: we do our best to make it similar for all apps we bridge to. Just slide the paperclip to the right to access the hidden option to add gifs, stickers etc.

Q. Why can’t I post to WhatsApp status?
A. This is a feature we are still working on. Give us a bit of time, it is in the works.

Q. Can I make a call to other WhatsApp Users?
A. This is coming soon with our newer version. The good thing is, when someone calls you on whatsApp it will arrive as it normally does, all you have to do is answer. We will log the call into the chat feed. If you want to make a call, you will have to use the old way, sorry. Our developers on working on this fix too.

Q. Can I get translation on WhatsApp bridge, this is an amazing feature no one else has?
A. Of course, however you will need to access the Hola Premium services, worth every penny!