Current ChatBots are designed to get the most money out of the users, and not necessarily designed to get the most sales.

Fact: Buying a monthly subscription can be cost prohibitive to a smaller business – even large ones will see their ‘cost of goods sold’ increase.
Fact: Developing a custom company ChatBot is expensive and all ‘out of pocket’.
Fact: Pay as you go ChatBots are very expensive and create a non-sustainable business model. Example, Uber Eats charge Merchants 30%+. This is the established industry standard fee.

Welcome to Despaxo
Despaxo, Hola’s ‘Cross-Platform’ Sync Technology, helping you convert your users into long term customers. Whether you’re running a Food Service Business, Jewelry Store or even selling Water, Despaxo can help you expand your customer reach and by doing so not only increase your client engagement %, but close more orders.

Despaxo lets you generate sales via ‘Cross-Platform’ to other Apps like WhatsApp, Telegram and more. Imagine being able to receive Sales Orders via other Apps and manage them all in one single location! Talk about Cool!

Despaxo provides ‘easy to build templates’ for all types of product lines. With a button-based click-on customer select system, we think Despaxo offers a fast response system that will get you quicker orders whilst building customer satisfaction and improving customer experience.

A One time Annual Subscription of $199 , Despaxo gets you the following, Offer $149.99 Annual

Money Back Guarantee (see details)
Lowest App costs – less than half the industry standard fees
Zero ‘ingress and egress’ charges
Unlimited Users to Manage the Despaxo Admin Panel
Unlimited locations and profiles
Unlimited Templates