Imagine, any business selling their products online can now funnel all their sales leads, marketing leads, product leads, business sales through the Despaxo Platform from any number of social media channels including the leading messenger Apps like Telegram and WhatsApp. That works great not only for single business operations, but for the Enterprise companies too!

Sure, Despaxo offers numerous package options: 1. Premium is our most simple service, but with limited ability to create Bot Profiles, still its great for the small business that only really needs one profile. 2. Premium + offers a lot more potential with unlimited Bot profiles, allowing a business to direct sales traffic to any number of activated profiles. It’s a great way to manage your business activities whilst keeping all your ‘stuff’ within a single platform. 3. The Enterprise option is similar to Premium +, except we know you are doing a lot of traffic and as such have lowered your transaction costs. Sure, the annual fee is a bit more, but if you think this is too much we challenge you to compare our fees with any other provider. But don’t waste your time looking – other comparable providers don’t exist. And, to sweeten the pot, Despaxo will offer all our members additional advertising benefits through the Hola campaign platform using our SinQ technology – look for special offers.

If you have not heard of sinQ, check it out at Using sinQ, you can spread your message far and wide across the “App-mosphere”. Sure, send your messages, videos, images or create your own coupons. Whatever it takes to drive your business we will help you get your messages out. Talk to your Rep today or contact our support team and we’ll help you expand your horizons.