It’s another day of wild news about our collective monies in the ‘trusted’ banking system. Remember, we are born to trust banks, and we are told to put our money in banks whether we do this ourselves or ask our employers to do so. Regardless, banks get all the money.

And what happens if the bank goes under? Well, in the USA the FDIC will insure it for you for up to 250K. Sure, your fees cover the FDIC fees – there’s no free lunch here! If this is your ‘plan A’, you better get yourself a plan B! And, who better than You to make sure you have a residual income to offset these scary times!

Best recommendation: Get yourself a Hola BDTL Agency License. You can generate an on-going income by simply networking with businesses you frequent in your daily routines. If they Register on Hola you get paid. If they advertise on Hola, you get paid. And, you get paid on the residuals too, as long as they are paid-up users. Want to know more, click on BDTL Program in the footer of