Despaxo is an exciting addition to the Hola App business, and importantly its an exciting new and more beneficial platform for not only businesses but for delivery service providers too. Right now it feels like half the traffic on the roads are delivering something somewhere to someone who just purchased something online. Now, if that Driver is in Latin America, it is likely they are only getting paid .60 to .90 cents a delivery – maybe they get a tip.

Well, Despaxo drivers are assured $2 within 3KM. More than 3km they get more. What does this mean? Well, more drivers will abandon their current business providers and move over to the Despaxo Platform. This will incur a driver shortage with these other providers and the businesses will struggle to get their products picked up. Drivers will make more money, in fact more than twice the amount and as such will be happy. They will share their happiness – as we all do – and talk about the businesses they service.

More drivers will jump ship from other providers and the Despaxo platform will naturally grow as other businesses sign up to promote their business over the Despaxo platform.

Now, this is where it gets interesting: Despaxo drivers can earn commissions by signing up new businesses. So, not only can a driver get their delivery fees, but sales commissions too. This of course, will make the drivers even happier. No doubt their reaction will be to share this information with their family, friends and businesses they frequent. What does all this mean?

Happy, well paid drivers earning enough to feed their families = Happy Drivers. Those earning additional commissions through registering new businesses on Despaxo = Very Happier Drivers. Happy Drivers = Free Advertising.

Talk with your Delivery Drivers about getting some free advertising today!

Register Here